November 18, 2004
tag board
Due to the unreliability of the tag board over the past few months, one of the things on my plate (coming right after "doing some damn comics") is to code up my own tag board using's tutorial as a basis. This will keep everything here at and not rely on to host the thing. I'll be keeping the current tag board until my subscription to it runs out in January or February, but I might launch the new board sooner than that if the connection problems persist.

I'm expecting the functionality to remain the same as before, but with an added feature. There will be a way to view all prior messages out of the tag board iframe. Currently you can view all the previous messages, but you've got to scroll to the bottom of the frame and click on the "more-->" link. Or you could, if the connection to wasn't down.

Posted at November 18, 2004 11:52 AM

Instead of a tag board why not a forum?

Posted by: Josh at November 18, 2004 09:50 PM

Because we used to have a forum but no one ever posted on it.

The thing about tagboards is that they're right on the main page so everyone can see them, and it's no hassle to post. With forums, not only are they not visible, but you have to register, read a bunch of different threads, and so on. Tagboards are just all around a better solution for a website like

Posted by: Eric at November 19, 2004 01:20 AM

Well that was easier than I thought. If you have any problems with the new tag-board, let me know.

Posted by: cartoonlad at November 19, 2004 03:31 PM

Josh, Eric pretty much said it all. There still is a forum over at , but the last post in it was well over a year ago. For reader feedback and interaction, the tag board and responding to these news bits seemed to satisfy the community's needs and desires.

Posted by: cartoonlad at November 19, 2004 03:36 PM