December 05, 2004
new schedule
These last few weeks, PE(aott) has been updated sporadically. This coming year, things will be a bit worse -- not only will I be a full-time employee, I'll also be returning to college after a one-semester absence, taking at least nine credit hours. The result is a lot of time being taken up, time that is taken away from the comic works.

Now the big plan with PE(aott) was to build an audience while I was going to college, then once degree was in hand, have the comic works become a money-making enterprise. That's still the big plan. But I'm going to have to take a different tack with updating the web site.

Matt Kowalski's Spade Phillips, P.I. will continue on it's daily schedule until the end of the strip's run, so no worries there, Spade fans. PE(aott) will be updated as well. But with PE(aott), I'm going to work on the strip as much as I can on Sunday afternoons -- If I can get three strips done, I'll post them on the current MWF schedule. Two strips? Monday and Wednesday. If I only get one done, it'll be up on Monday. (If by some freak chance I actually get some free time during the week to work on the comic strip, I'll try to get it to fit in that MWF schedule. So there might be a week with a Monday/Friday strip.)

This doesn't sound doable, you say? Well, during the last month, the week we hit all three updates was the week where I drew all three strips on Sunday. So I think this'll work.

The other thing I'm thinking of doing is a big color Sunday PE(aott) strip instead of the four-panel strip, but we'll see how this Sunday workday turns out.

Posted at December 5, 2004 02:10 PM